To prove claims in the previous post, I report a document done by Legambiente, which monitors 100 buildings (public and private) in 15 Italian cities. As announced in the foreword [1], the aim "was to show the advantages of a well-built building." I don't want to write about the controversy related to energy certification, given sometimes too easily, almost like a formal document. A talk about this topic is not my purpose.
What I wish to emphasize is that out of the 100 buildings, all defined A class, 89 didn't pass the verification and the remaining 11 are all built in Bolzano, making it the best city among those analyzed. This is an evident basic problem, and consequently talking about new technologies to reduce energy requirements seems a bit inopportune. But the example of Bolzano keep hope alive.
The full report is at:
The analysis was performed using thermography, a technique to "photograph" the heat emissions of a given surface. There's a very interesting blog on this matter at , where you can find the post "Come รจ fatta una termocamera" to understand the instrument.
The problems were: walls without insulation, low-quality or bad assembled windows, thermal bridges between different materials and so on. The thermal bridges are issues to be eliminated, both for the heat lost,and for health reasons.
Let's see some report images of a recent building (2009), that shows the horizontal and vertical structures, colored yellow or red. We distinguish perfectly the shape of pillars and floors.
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